jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018



The online notes, the new nightmare of the students.

Due to the consequences of uploading the notes on the website, the students feel horrorized and pray with all their strengths so that this does not happen.  

By: Mateo Henao Ocampo.

On Monday July 30 the rector of the educational institution "Colegio Divino Niño" gave the news in the session on the way to excellence this day that was going to implement a new digital platform in which the notes of all students of the school would be posted, but the worst thing of all this is that parents will have access to this platform, so that whenever they want they can enter to the page and see the notes that their children have, and this can be very bad for them. 

On Tuesday July 31, the students left earlier from the lessons of the day because the teachers of the school had a training to learn how to use the new platform, and anonymous sources have informed us that the directives plan to start using it from next week, or faster possible. 

This news has very worried to the students because this could mean the end of good weekends, outings with friends and parties for some of them, being replaced these activities for punishments, workshops of recovery and interminabes days locked in their rooms. Definitely dark times are approaching for the students of the Divino Niño and if they want to preserve their full happiness they will have to put more effort into the study. conclusion

Photo autor: Alkin Eahnz.
Photo of the students of the Divino Niño on the day they were given the news.


Epic Match, Students v.s. Teachers

on Thursday, August 2, there will be a match between the teachers and students of the 11th grade of the educational institution "Colegio Divino Niño" in which they will have fun for a while among the teachers and students, in which they will not know which side will win the party.

By: Fabian Parra

On Thursday, during class hours, students, like teachers, ask themselves what will happen to the game, which of the two teams will win? It is the question that is asked. But in the 11th grade there is an atmosphere of tension in which they seek to demonstrate who are the best at soccer playing in the "Colegio Divino Niño" educational institution in which the students want the party to start as quickly as possible to remove that tension environment.

This news has improved the atmosphere among teachers and students of the 11th grade for their coexistence with the respective professors in their different subjects, this being something positive for the educational institution "Colegio Divino Niño" because it could help to improve the academic performance of the students of the 11th grade in their respective subjects with the professors.


The Praying and the battle of Boyacá

The day of the battle of Boyacá celebrated by the students of the institution on August 6. including a recognition to students for the value of dialogue

By: Juan Jose Garzon

On August 7, 1819, it was the warlike confrontation of the war of independence of Colombia that guaranteed the success of the Liberating Campaign of New Granada. Which is celebrated on Monday August 6 by the educational institution "Colegio Divino Niño", but this day will recognize how important this event was for Colombia

On Monday, August 6, the students will know or remember the events about the history of their country, making it clear that this battle marked not only the end point in the war disputes over power in Colombian territory, but also the independence triumph that had been set the country on July 20, 1810 Under the command of Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Paula Santander and José Antonio Anzoátegui, and the patriot troop conformed by 2,850 combatants.

This type of events are very important for students, because it teaches us too much about Colombia and makes us good patriots, getting closer to knowing the past of Colombia and those who gave their lives for it and for our independence. making children and young people understand that the importance of seeing our history lies in the fact that it allows us to know our present.

Photo autor: Alkin Eahnz.

Photo of the students of the Divino Niño on the day they were given the news.

¡Horrified I have you!
All the students who are in their last year of high school
since weeks before feel the pressure of the national exam.

By: Andrés Calle

year after year, in the country, the students of last year fight against a test,
that for many is decisive for its future and that for others it does not matter,
this test is the icfes, many fear it but many do not see it as an enemy .

All the young people in the last grade of the country, face the ICFES, some
with more courage than others, some with an educational purpose and
others with the purpose of getting rid of that to graduate, but year after year
the ICFES shows that it should not be ignored , thanks to this, both good and
bad futures are awarded.

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